Scots College UX Workhop Case Study
Enabling millions to discover careers, share their stories, and prepare for life after school.
The Task.
We asked students to develop either an app that allows parents to pay their children pocket money; or a new app concept of their choice.
The app needed to have multiple screen functionalities, users, and a way for consumers to make a transaction. In groups of 2 – 3the students needed to understand how the user journey ana app functionality would impact design.
Once mapped, students needed to develop a brand identity, marketing plan and build a prototype. The final element in the task was for students to work out how their business could turn a profit.

The Task.
First they needed to build wireframes, on paper. This is the user journey a parent would take on the app.
Step 1
Using prototyping technology, the boys build out each frame of the app.
Step 2
Students needed to consider how each page of the app would fit together. They needed to build a 'CTA' (call to action) on each page using intuitive buttons. The rule with app design is that 'a user should never be confused at what their next step should be.'
Step 3
Business Model
Finally, each group built a business model to support the app.
How could the app make money?
Step 4

Inside The Workshop.
Our idea is to have a premium and standard option like Spotify. 96% of Spotify's revenue comes from its premium service because people don't want ads so they pay a small fee per month to use it.

Year 8 Student
Scots College

Our idea is to get a big bank to sponsor our app and give it free to every user. The bank then pays that fee to us because in exchange the children our setting up bank accounts with that bank.

Year 8 Student
Scots College

Our idea is to sell products in the app. When you are letting a parent allocate jobs in the kitchen, like unpacking the dishwasher you could also have an option for them to buy kitchen products via the app. You could take a percentage from the store owner, like instagram does.

Year 8 Student
Scots College

Explore Their Ideas.
Our idea is to have a premium and standard option like Spotify. 96% of Spotifys revenue comes from its premium service because people don't want ads so they pay a small fee per month to use it.
Our idea is to get a big bank to sponsor our app and give it free to every user. The bank then pays that fee to us because in exchange the children our setting up bank accounts with that bank.
Our idea is to sell products in the app. When you are letting a parent allocate jobs in the kitchen, like unpacking the dishwasher you could also have an option for them to buy kitchen products via the app. You could take a percentage from the store owner, like instagram does.
The Careers Department ran full day workshops exposing students to key skills of the future including, UX Design and App Prototyping, data science, and entrepreneurship.
The workshops not only exposed students to three different careers of the future, but to the interdependencies between them.
Careers conversations don’t need to be a traditional as sitting a student down and asking them what they want to be; they can be embedded into the classroom through interactive activities like this, where students are simply exposed to industries earlier.
This way students can start to test and explore where their interests and skills lie in a future of work context.
In The Classroom.

We asked students to develop either an app that allows parents to pay their children pocket money; or a new app concept of their choice.
The app needed to have multiple screen functionalities, users, and a way for consumers to make a transaction. In groups of 2 – 3 the students needed to understand how the user journey and app functionality would impact design.
Once mapped, students needed to develop a brand identity, marketing plan and build a prototype. The final element in the task was for students to work out how their business could turn a profit.