The Making Of: Essential Energy
Essential Energy wanted to increase the number of applicants to their apprenticeship program in key regions throughout NSW.

In partnership with Essential Energy, we produced a campaign to boost recruitment for their apprenticeship programs. This initiative aimed to increase awareness and applications for two of their five apprenticeship streams.
The aim was to ‘show’ students inside the average day in the life of a Powerline Worker and Substation Electrical Technician. We travelled to two of their work sites, in Lismore and Tamworth, to ‘shadow’ two of their staff on an average day.
Complementing the videos, two Virtual Work Experience modules were developed and distributed into high schools. These modules offer interactive learning experiences that allow students to test their aptitude and interest in the skills related to these careers.

On site, capturing the team complete a cross arm change out in Lismore NSW.
This footage was used to bring to life a 'Virtual Work Experience' module that asked students to label and order the equipment used.
(Scroll down to see a teaser of the final product)
Within the virtual work experience task students were asked to hypothetically 'assess some drone footage from the region' and to identify which cross arms require replacing within the Lismore region.
Our team captured the content relevant to the brief on site with the team; enabling us to bring to life a 'real' task that someone in the energy industry would do.

Click PLAY to watch the 'Day in the Life' tour that we produced with Sam.
We distributed this content nationally, as well as built a strategic NSW based distribution campaign to reach key schools and regions within the apprenticeship recruitment pool.

A virtual work experience task provides opportunity for students to 'try' a job or course, before they enrol. It allows them to better understand the skills and nature of a career; and test their aptitude and interest for it.
We conceptualise each task in collaboration with industry.
In this task students are asked to:
1. Assess some drone footage from the region to identify which cross arms require replacing within the Lismore region.
2. Identify which substation supplies the pole to be worked on using a network map.
3. Learn the equiptment needed; label and order it.

Meet Brianna, a Substation Electrical Technician.
Click PLAY to watch a Day in the Life tour with Brianna.
Brianna took us on a tour of a workshop and a substation; explaining how she operates, maintains and repairs HV switchgear and transformers.
The Making Of: Essential Energy
Essential Energy wanted to increase the number of applicants to their apprenticeship program in key regions throughout NSW.